Anika Kapal
Sunday November 3 2024
We kicked off this week with a virtual meeting earlier today at noon. Given the busy Halloween weekend, we adjusted our Friday time slot to a time that was more convenient for everyone else.
Over the weekend, people finished their core deliverables from the Gantt chart. Today was our hard deadline for most items on our Gantt chart, and for our meeting, we went through the entire list and everyone presented each item.
As project manager, we reversed the roles from last week – I led the meeting and Zoe took meeting notes. We find that switching roles helps prevent burnout and allows us to take breaks (writing, conceptualizing) while the other is more communicative (leading the meeting and engaging with the team) during these calls. And both of us continue to help answer questions.
My weekly tasks included working on the journal, working on section 1 of the project information package, preparing a new post for the week ahead, and keeping people up to date on their tasks. Last week I also took everyone’s headshots and posted our first post on Canva - I also copied our entire style guide into the software to make it easier for anyone on media creation to build posts/graphics. I am looking forward to the week ahead – I am currently working on an agenda to ensure that we maximize Wednesday’s meeting in person and Tuesday’s virtual meeting.
I’m working on a script for our presentation. I will divide it into different sections for each slide and record different pieces for the virtual one on Monday/Tuesday of this week.